Management Solutions is one of the top management and operations companies in the U.S. and Canada. Every day, we help investors and owners to build and manage productive and profitable businesses. We provide a full range of management solutions that include full-time project management, including cultivation, extraction, packaging and operations.
Management Solutions, Inc. is a company focused on providing valuable advice in the selection of equipment, design of your laboratory, equipment installation, staff training, and full facility operational and production management. Our team’s broad experience in advising, installing operating and training equipment operators allows us to provide you the best options in a manufacturer agnostic manner whether you are considering Asian, North American or European sourced equipment.
Our team of professionals is dedicated to supplying you with the highest quality and safest products in the industry. We look forward to working with you and your team in the future. If you have any questions or comments you may email us at info@mgmtsolutionsllc.com or call us at (619) 736-6152.

John Cantril
John Cantril is a serial entrepreneur that has founded over a dozen companies in a variety of industries.
John has 20+ years of Management and Operations experience. In 2015 John partnered with Mr. Spriggs and founded Scientific Solutions Inc., which is a company primarily focused on Laboratory and Cultivation equipment in the Cannabis and Hemp space.
Scientific Solutions is a globally recognized and trusted company which distributes for over 200 companies.

Nick Spriggs
Nick Spriggs is an Attorney and Accountant by trade, who entered the cannabis industry in 2011. Mr. Spriggs has been providing consulting and transaction support to cultivation and manufacturing operators.
In 2014 Mr Spriggs and partner John Cantril formed Green Growth Investments, LLC for the purpose of matching sources and uses of capital to investors and operators in the cannabis space.
In 2015 Mr. Spriggs and Mr. Cantril formed Scientific Solutions, and full service extraction equipment distributor, representing over 200 manufacturers selling new equipment and operational guidance to clients.

Mclain Meenderink
Mr. Meenderink has worked in the cannabis/hemp space for 6 years and has nearly a decade of history in technical sales as well as service in government and B2B retail supply chain management. His strengths include design and implementation of complex industrial systems. Former positions include lead technical sales representative for Across international West Coast and Major parts acquisitions/inventory control for Lockheed & Martin. Mr. Meenderink Excels at technical advising, support and has a deep understanding of certification requirements for equipment. He currently serves as Scientific Solutions Chief Technical Officer. Mr. Meenderink has a wide knowledge and hands on experience with processing equipment and ancillary support systems.

James Benton
Outside Consultant
20+ yrs of Cultivation, Extraction, and Product development expertise multiple Award Winning THC and CBD products
NCIA, CCIA member, Vice-President of CGA, Manufacturing Director for Monterey County NORML
A firm proponent of the natural benefits of Cannabis since his teens, James delights in sharing the unlimited healing powers of its essential compounds. Considered to be the “Steve Jobs’” of Cannabis, James has spent decades
fine-tuning proper cultivation and extraction methods on improving quality, potency, safety, ease-of-use, and unlocking its true potential. James is an influential member of the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA), the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA). He is the Vice-President of the reputable California Growers Association (CGA) and is the Manufacturing Director for Monterey County NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws). His broad connection portfolio includes top names in the industry: from private growers to Multi Million-dollar companies who all have risen to legendary status thanks to his devotion to their success. With new California laws coming in effect, his unbridled genius mind will revolutionize the industry yet again as he sets new, far-reaching benchmarks with his own ventures, healing many along the way.

Agustin Jimenez
AJ Jimenez has worked in the Cannabis/Hemp space for 5 years and has over 20 years of Sales experience in several Industries. After receiving an education in Human Resources, Business and Finance AJ fell into Sales and has cultivated a Network that extends into over 20 countries and has built relationships with some of the industry’s most influential people. AJ brings with him a powerful and positive mindset into the workplace and uses his positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage others to work hard, smart and succeed above all. His experiences previous positions in the Cannabis/Hemp industry include Operation Manager and Senior Sales Manager and has increased sales by over 100% year to year in previous employment. AJ excels at negotiations, networking and problem solving, his main focus is customer satisfaction and forecasting and projections while guiding and always planning with the next move in mind. AJ currently serves as Scientific Solutions Chief Sales Officer.

Doug Meara
Install/Lab Support
Doug ‘Mac’ Meara has five years of experience operating and managing recreational cannabis and hemp laboratory manufacturing facilities. Mr. Meara specializes in ethanol extraction, distillation, chromatography, nano-emulsions, solventless concentration, and product formulation.

Fausto Ochoa
Accomplished and loyalty-driven with over 20+ years of visible achievements in building, growing and managing online communities. Proven brand ambassador able to cultivate and nurture strong relationships. Superior performer in social media, marketing and product support.

Nick Prusinowski
Install/Lab Support
Mr. Prusinowski entered the Cannabis industry as an operator 6 years ago, quickly excelling at turning around failing operations and making them profitable. Troubleshooting and repairing is second nature to him. With a talent for finding bottlenecks and solving for production or quality issues, he began consulting within a year. Years of experience with equipment selection and process optimization enable Nicholas to take a concept from design and proof-of-concept to large scale streamlined manufacturing. Projects include: pesticide, heavy metal and color remediation; distillation, purification and isolation; nano-emulsions and product development. Focusing on research, development and innovative product formulation, his passion now lies in bringing the minor and converted cannabinoids to market in unique and therapeutic formulations.

Zack Langford
Account Manager
Zack has focused in the Cannabis and Hemp industries for the last 5 years. Primarily focusing on consulting, manufacturing, processing and large scale cultivations. Zack continues to evolve alongside the global Cannabis and Hemp market world wide.

Mike Twellman
SEO Tech Dev
Michael has been a Technology and Marketing resource and has helped build local strategies with some of America's most notable companies. Working with organizations such as Yum Brands, Crevier, JMR Capital, Reboot Industries, and countless more, he has taken his vast knowledge of Google Analytics, SEO, and lead generation to increase revenues and discover key areas for business growth.